The Final Countdown (BlogHer 13)

We’re a week away from BlogHer 13, and I’m thinking it’s just about time to share with you a little more detail about what’s going on with my trip! Why? Because I’m going to BlogHer for YOU. That’s right, I’m going because my readers are my passion, and I want to make sure I’m doing what I can to bring you the absolute best content.

During my time in Chicago, I’ll be spending time at two really important invite-only events: Hasbro and Maytag/Whirlpool. I’ll also be stopping by booths around the expo hall.

My goal has always been to bring you the latest and greatest in parenting, educating, cooking, decorating, and entertaining, and to show you how to seamlessly integrate technology to make your life easier. I’m hoping that, as I walk around the Expo hall, attend private parties, and sit in on classes, I’ll be able to bring more of that to you and help improve the connection between my readers (that’s you guys) and myself.

That means a jam-packed weekend, so I probably will not be blogging while I’m at BlogHer.

So what can you expect when I return?

Information, about what brands are doing to help us seamlessly blend our family lives with the modern tech world.
Anecdotes about how AWESOME BlogHer was and how I can’t wait to go again next year (I hope! I’ve never been!)
And, long-term results in better connecting with you both here and on social media to help me give you more content you’ll love.

I cannot wait to see you all when I return!