Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PepItUp #CollectiveBias Forget chocolate covered bacon... the new treat this spring is Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark! Sweet chocolate blends with meaty pepperoni, making it the perfect new twist on a classic trend. #PepItUp #ad I’m not exactly sure who started this whole sweet and savory chocolate covered meat trend. I’ll be honest– I was even skeptical the first time I tried chocolate covered bacon. After that, it seemed people moved on to chocolate covered beef jerky, and now, well, I’ve found the next logical incarnation of the trend. A new season means it’s time to ditch the old chocolate covered meat we’ve come to know and love and try something new… and that something new? It’s Hormel pepperoni. Forget chocolate covered bacon... the new treat this spring is Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark! Sweet chocolate blends with meaty pepperoni, making it the perfect new twist on a classic trend. #PepItUp #ad

You see, there’s something really delicious about pepperoni. It’s a classic on pizza, and for me? Well, it’s a favorite snack I could just eat straight out of the package (I’m totally not eating it right now… I mean… what?) I really, really love pepperoni. It’s kind of spicy, kind of not, and just this delicious meat that belongs on everything. I swear when I was pregnant with Zach, I put pepperoni on pretty much every sandwich I made. You know what else I love?


Chocolate. And when you love two things a lot– like a lot a lot– it’s logical to see what happens when you put them together. And let me tell you… chocolate and pepperoni? It’s magic.

Forget chocolate covered bacon... the new treat this spring is Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark! Sweet chocolate blends with meaty pepperoni, making it the perfect new twist on a classic trend. #PepItUp #ad

To make a good salted chocolate pepperoni bark, you have to start with quality, which is why I picked up Hormel Pepperoni minis. The minis are just like the original pepperoni, but they’re… mini. And they’re so darn cute! These bite sized little bits of pepperoni are perfect on salads or to top a soup, or even in a pasta, but they’re really, really great in chocolate bark.

Forget chocolate covered bacon... the new treat this spring is Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark! Sweet chocolate blends with meaty pepperoni, making it the perfect new twist on a classic trend. #PepItUp #ad

Compared to the regular sized Hormel pepperoni slice, they’re just the perfect size for topping your chocolate bark with. You can use the regular sized Hormel pepperoni for this recipe, but I’d cut each pepperoni in quarters first, just to make topping a little bit easier.

Forget chocolate covered bacon... the new treat this spring is Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark! Sweet chocolate blends with meaty pepperoni, making it the perfect new twist on a classic trend. #PepItUp #ad

Start by placing parchment on a baking sheet. I’ve found a quick spritz of cooking spray on the sheet helps keep the parchment in place so it’s not slip-sliding around. Then, add an even sprinkle of sea salt across the parchment. The salt will bring out the sweetness of the chocolate, and it pairs nicely with the flavor of pepperoni, for a perfectly balanced treat.  

Forget chocolate covered bacon... the new treat this spring is Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark! Sweet chocolate blends with meaty pepperoni, making it the perfect new twist on a classic trend. #PepItUp #ad

Melt milk chocolate chips in the microwave in 30 second increments, stirring until smooth. If you’d like, add a small amount of coconut oil to make the consistency smoother. Pour the chocolate onto the sea salt and spread it into a thin layer carefully.

Forget chocolate covered bacon... the new treat this spring is Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark! Sweet chocolate blends with meaty pepperoni, making it the perfect new twist on a classic trend. #PepItUp #ad

Again, in 30 second increments, melt dark chocolate in the microwave, then spoon it in dollops onto the milk chocolate layer.

Forget chocolate covered bacon... the new treat this spring is Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark! Sweet chocolate blends with meaty pepperoni, making it the perfect new twist on a classic trend. #PepItUp #ad

Alternate the dark chocolate dollops with milk chocolate dollops. The milk chocolate will add sweetness to the meaty dessert, while the dark chocolate will complement the flavors of the pepperoni and bring out the savory side.

Forget chocolate covered bacon... the new treat this spring is Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark! Sweet chocolate blends with meaty pepperoni, making it the perfect new twist on a classic trend. #PepItUp #ad

Using a toothpick, carefully swirl the chocolate together to blend the flavors seamlessly.

Forget chocolate covered bacon... the new treat this spring is Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark! Sweet chocolate blends with meaty pepperoni, making it the perfect new twist on a classic trend. #PepItUp #ad

Lightly press Hormel pepperoni minis into the surface of the chocolate, evenly distributing them about every 1/4 to 1/2 inch. You’ll want quite a bit of pepperoni on there.

Forget chocolate covered bacon... the new treat this spring is Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark! Sweet chocolate blends with meaty pepperoni, making it the perfect new twist on a classic trend. #PepItUp #ad

Pop your pepperoni bark into the fridge until the chocolate is hardened, or about 30 minutes. When it’s fully chilled, break the chocolate into easily grabbable pieces, and share with your friends. You’ll be the talk of your next party! Store any leftovers (pssht, like there’ll be any! Whatever!) in an airtight container in the fridge.

Forget chocolate covered bacon... the new treat this spring is Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark! Sweet chocolate blends with meaty pepperoni, making it the perfect new twist on a classic trend. #PepItUp #ad

  Seriously, you have to try this recipe at home– it’s so easy to make, and it really has this incredible flavor that you won’t believe until you try it. I know, my whole family was skeptical, but there’s just something about the marriage of Hormel pepperoni and chocolate that really works for dessert! Also, the way these break into small bits, think of what fun cupcake toppers they’d make!

Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
35 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
35 min
  1. 1 Package Hormel Pepperoni Minis in Original Flavor
  2. 2 Cups Milk Chocolate Chips
  3. 1 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips
  4. 1 teaspoon Sea Salt
  1. Sprinkle sea salt over parchment placed on cookie sheet.
  2. Melt chocolate in 30 second increments in microwave until smooth.
  3. Spread thin layer of half of the milk chocolate over salt carefully.
  4. Alternate dollops of milk chocolate and dark chocolate over the surface of the milk chocolate layer, then swirl with toothpick for a marble effect.
  5. Gently press pepperoni into chocolate.
  6. Refrigerate half an hour or until chocolate is hardened. Break into small pieces and serve.
  1. Salted pepperoni chocolate bark also makes a great party treat or cupcake topper!
Mama Plus One
  I shared how much I love pepperoni, and how I add it to everything from salads to, well, chocolate. But now I really want to know– what is your favorite way to eat pepperoni? Do you munch on it straight from the bag, or do you have a favorite family recipe that piles on the pepperoni? Tell me in the comments below! Oh, and if you’re a true Hormel pepperoni fan, don’t forget to check them out on Twitter and Facebook!

8 thoughts on “Salted Pepperoni Chocolate Bark

    1. It’s definitely a fun adventure. My family was fairly skeptical, as they’re still learning to love pepperoni, but they were fans, too! 🙂

  1. This is the most creative sweet thing I have seen all night! What a super cool and yummy idea! 🙂 I would love for you to share this over at my new link party Making Memories Mondays going on now!

    1. I hope you try this out and enjoy! I had a few skeptical faces around my house, but everyone loved it! 🙂

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