Family Fun Night: Please, Sir, Can I Have S’more?

When forming our bucket list for fall this year, there was one thing that absolutely HAD to be on it! With my sister, Carolin, visiting from Germany, we really worked hard to find out what we really needed to get done while she was here.

We made sure to include things like going to Silver Dollar City when it’s dressed up for fall, heading to a Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze this year, and other awesome stuff. But one family-friendly activity was done right here at home, and it had to be one of the best things we could have done this fall.

We went old-school with our s’mores, which meant instead of fancy marshmallow roasters, we took knives and sharpened some good ol’ fashioned sticks.

It’s definitely a task for adults, not children!

In the meantime, Jeffrey started the fire…

It took SO long to get it to start up, with a little bit of wind, but he is a fire-pit PRO!

While I love getting creative with plenty of stuff when it comes to s’mores, like flavored marshmallows, the addition of Nutella, Peanut Butter, or flavored chocolates, but for this particular night, we went all natural, baby! We stuck to staples like Honey Maid grahams and Hershey Chocolate.

By the time the food was set out and the sticks were sharpened, the fire was blazing!


My proper s’more technique? To slowly roast the marshmallow until it gets gooey, but then you catch it on fire and let it smoulder. Then, it’s time to blow it out and sandwich the scalding marshmallow between two layers of chocolate and grahams. It gets the chocolate all melty!

Even Zach got in on the s’more fun– the eating, NOT the fire part!


All in all, an evening spent with family, fire, and delicious food, was perfect for a night at home. After running here and there to accomplish our fall bucket list, it was great having a thing to cross off where we didn’t have to go anywhere!


What’s on your fall bucket list? Do you plan to go-go-go all season, or did you plan at home activities?

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