Easy Ways to Show Appreciation for Those You Love

Your family is your lifeline, but if you're like many of us, you don't tell them (or show them) often enough. Here are some really easy ways to show appreciation for those you love.

Family is priceless. At the end of the day, they’re the people you sit down with at the table and share your day with. But so often, we can take our family for granted. We have a lot of time to spend with one another, to the point that sometimes, we just forget to show our family how much we love and appreciate them. But really, there are some very easy ways to show appreciation to those you love.

Surprise notes are simple, cheap, and priceless. One of the most meaningful things that my sister did when she returned to Germany was to leave us surprise notes all over the house. Even years later, we’d find a note that she left behind a picture frame or under a computer. Sometimes it was a simple note just to say she was thinking of us, sometimes it was something funny (like telling my dad to clean out the laundry pile of clothes that no longer fit). The notes were a constant reminder that Carolin was with us, even though she was hundreds of miles away. Even if you’re right there, notes are as simple as grabbing some Post-Its and writing a quick note. Leave it anywhere– your child’s lunch box, your hubby’s car mirror, the shower, anywhere. A quick note to say “I love you,” or “thanks for taking out the trash,” or “I hope you’re having a great day” can really go a long way.

Make a favorite meal. One way my brother’s day is ALWAYS made? When my mom makes macaroni and hamburger. It’s not fancy, and it’s not a meal the rest of us particularly LOVE, but it’s his favorite, and that means every time she makes it, he feels a little more loved. There’s just something great about someone making your favorite food for you, or going out of their way to make something that matters to you. When serving others, consider what their favorite things are and serve them that way.

Take on some extra chores. If you have a few extra minutes, help someone you love. Pick up some extra chores to save your loved one a little extra time. Take out the trash, clean the kitchen, fold someone’s laundry. There’s just something special about getting ready to do your work, and finding out that it’s already been done for you.

Tell someone you appreciate them. You can definitely show people your appreciation, but sometimes, it’s nice to tell them. It’s as simple as “I really appreciate you doing that,” or even “I really appreciate you. I’m happy to have you in my life.”

Spend time with them. Sometimes, the best way to show someone you care is to spend time with them. This is especially significant for smaller kids– time together is just irreplaceable. It can be as simple as sitting down to build pillow forts or have a living room picnic, or it can be as grand as going someplace for the weekend. When you spend time with someone, you show them you appreciate them because you’re able to enjoy each other’s company and really make time. Do you make time for someone who isn’t important to you? By nature, we make time for the people who are important for us, and that speaks volumes on our feelings about someone. 

How do you show appreciation to those you love?

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