Easy Fall Mantel Decor (Even if You Don’t Have a Mantel!)

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LoveAmericanHome #CollectiveBias

Looking for the perfect fall decor ideas? See inspiring fall mantels on pinterest but don't know how to recreate them at home? Here are some tips-- even if you don't have a mantel of your own! This uses floating shelves, but you can use these tips for any mantel or shelving this fall! #LoveAmericanHome #ad

Okay, so I have to admit, I’ve had a lot of Pinterest Envy (Pinvy???) when it comes to mantel decorating. It seems like everyone has this gorgeous mantel that they update with the seasons, and I had just about had it. I was about ready to just quit Pinterest so I could stop feeling so desperate for a mantel space when I realized… hey! I have shelving that I could decorate just as easily! So, whether you have a mantel or not, I want to give you a few tips on the best fall decorating ideas for that space– from back to school to Halloween to Thanksgiving, I’ve got an idea that will transition throughout the fall, without a lot of crazy effort.

Looking for the perfect fall decor ideas? See inspiring fall mantels on pinterest but don't know how to recreate them at home? Here are some tips-- even if you don't have a mantel of your own! This uses floating shelves, but you can use these tips for any mantel or shelving this fall! #LoveAmericanHome #ad

To start my mantel decor, I started at Walmart. I feel like elegant mantel decor includes 3 basic elements– candles, foliage, and seasonal accents. To start, I went to the Candle section (within the home decor sections) of my local Walmart store to see the selection of American Home™ by Yankee Candle® brand fragrances available. When I build a mantel display, I really like to pick one or two primary fragrances that will stay on my mantel throughout the season, even as I change out foliage and accents. Because these are candles I want to last the full season, I usually select these two main fragrances in larger sizes; I chose Shades of Fall in a large 19 ounce 2-wick tumbler, priced at $14.93, and Pumpkin Apple Harvest in a medium 12 ounce 2-wick tumbler, priced at $10.93. Both fragrances had hints of things you’d classically associate with fall– cinnamon, pumpkin, apples, spices, crisp leaves… After that, I smell these to see which candles will complement these larger fragrances.

Start by making a plan for what you intend to decorate for– I chose Back to School, Halloween, and Thanksgiving/fall. For back to school, I knew that Fresh Apple and Classic Denim would make the perfect complement fragrances, so I selected those in small 4 ounce tumbler candles, which were really reasonably priced at only $4.93 per candle. Near Halloween, I wanted to rotate my decor, and my fragrance, to remove Fresh Apple and Classic Denim in favor of Ginger Pumpkin Pie, and by Thanksgiving, I wanted to add Warm & Happy Home to the lineup. These small tumblers are perfect for rotating through during a season, since they’re just the right amount of wax for part of a season, to complement the larger all-season tumblers. Since you want to discard your candle when you have 1/2 an inch of wax left, you’ll want to consider how long you’d like to burn that particular scent when purchasing.

Looking for the perfect fall decor ideas? See inspiring fall mantels on pinterest but don't know how to recreate them at home? Here are some tips-- even if you don't have a mantel of your own! This uses floating shelves, but you can use these tips for any mantel or shelving this fall! #LoveAmericanHome #ad

To create the perfect fall mantel style on your shelves, you’ll see what I did above. First, I place large elements– like my American Home™ by Yankee Candle® brand products. From there, I add in any large seasonal items– like in the back to school decor, my pencils and apples. Finally, I work in foliage in those places where I see “this could use a little more.” You want your decor to look full, but not over-crowded, so be mindful not to go too minimalist or too stuffed (unless that’s your particular aesthetic). Often, this requires seeing where I want the larger elements to be, removing them to place the foliage, and then putting the large elements back where I wanted them. It can take a little trial and error, so don’t be afraid to move things on and off the shelf until you’re happy!

You also want to be mindful about candle placement. I kept my candles placed so none were directly under any other shelves– as you can see, candles on the lowest shelf are out to the side where they’re less likely to catch the shelves above. Trimming the wick to 1/8 inch will ensure your flame doesn’t get too tall, and also making sure not to have the foliage too close to the flame. Of course, you’ll want to be sure you’re in the room any time you have a lit candle– don’t walk away without blowing them out. I like to light the candles when I’m working in or enjoying that room, and then blow them out before I leave the room. Candles can always be re-lit when you return!

The step-by-step photos above help illustrate the process that I go through, so I hope it’s an effective tutorial for helping you find your own personal style with your shelf and mantel decor. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all here because you’ll want to consider your own style and space, but the photos above show my personal process for creating a perfect shelf style.

Looking for the perfect fall decor ideas? See inspiring fall mantels on pinterest but don't know how to recreate them at home? Here are some tips-- even if you don't have a mantel of your own! This uses floating shelves, but you can use these tips for any mantel or shelving this fall! #LoveAmericanHome #ad

To achieve a back-to-school style, I considered elements that made me think of going back to school. Fresh pencils, crisp apples, denim… When you plan for a season, you can start by making a list of anything that makes you think of that time that would fit on a shelf. Maybe back to school makes you think of bright colors, or your local school’s colors. Maybe it makes you think of school supplies, or maybe you think of fall leaves.

Looking for the perfect fall decor ideas? See inspiring fall mantels on pinterest but don't know how to recreate them at home? Here are some tips-- even if you don't have a mantel of your own! This uses floating shelves, but you can use these tips for any mantel or shelving this fall! #LoveAmericanHome #ad

Start by really considering each thing that reminds you of the school year, and thinking about what will work with your space. For me, pencils and apples seemed like the logical pieces for the space. To save money, I also like to consider what I have around the house for decor. The shot glasses I used as bud vases, the apples, and the pencils and mug were all from my own home.

Looking for the perfect fall decor ideas? See inspiring fall mantels on pinterest but don't know how to recreate them at home? Here are some tips-- even if you don't have a mantel of your own! This uses floating shelves, but you can use these tips for any mantel or shelving this fall! #LoveAmericanHome #ad

To make the switch to a spooky Halloween decor, I removed the fall leaves, the apples and pencils, and the Fresh Apple and Classic Denim candles. You’ll see that I left the flowers, but added some black roses as well. The bowl also stayed, but got updated by being flipped upside down to add height.

From here, I added drape with a spooky black cloth, and gave it that Halloween feel with a Ginger Pumpkin Pie candle that reminded me of pumpkin patches, and some cute mini pumpkins. Consider the accents you can keep on the shelf throughout the season, so you’re not investing in a whole new decor each month of autumn. When you can just move pieces and add one or two things here and there, it’s a real money saver, while still keeping your look updated each month.

Looking for the perfect fall decor ideas? See inspiring fall mantels on pinterest but don't know how to recreate them at home? Here are some tips-- even if you don't have a mantel of your own! This uses floating shelves, but you can use these tips for any mantel or shelving this fall! #LoveAmericanHome #ad

Also keep in mind that our eyes love odd numbers. One woodland creature, 3 pumpkins in a row, 3 black roses… these odd numbers help the shelf look interesting. A variety of height– some flowers low, some in vases, upside down bowls to lift woodland creatures– this all adds a lot of height and dimension. Smooth pumpkins, spiky animals– it also helps to vary the texture you’re playing with. Keep this in mind when you select the items you want to use for your shelves.

Looking for the perfect fall decor ideas? See inspiring fall mantels on pinterest but don't know how to recreate them at home? Here are some tips-- even if you don't have a mantel of your own! This uses floating shelves, but you can use these tips for any mantel or shelving this fall! #LoveAmericanHome #ad

To transition into Thanksgiving, I removed the spooky cloth, but left the bowl and a pumpkin. I changed the fragrances to reflect deep fall– fragrances like Salted Caramel and Warm & Happy Home evoke those warm, baking-inspired scents that really help feel like home and family.

Looking for the perfect fall decor ideas? See inspiring fall mantels on pinterest but don't know how to recreate them at home? Here are some tips-- even if you don't have a mantel of your own! This uses floating shelves, but you can use these tips for any mantel or shelving this fall! #LoveAmericanHome #ad

I felt adding gourds with the pumpkin felt very Thanksgiving and fall themed, so that is a great place to start when it comes to autumn decor.

Looking for the perfect fall decor ideas? See inspiring fall mantels on pinterest but don't know how to recreate them at home? Here are some tips-- even if you don't have a mantel of your own! This uses floating shelves, but you can use these tips for any mantel or shelving this fall! #LoveAmericanHome #ad

By choosing fragrances from American Home™ by Yankee Candle® brand that carry throughout the season, finding objects from your home that will work for decor, and using objects again and again in new places and combinations, you’ll be able to easily transition your mantel decor from early fall to late fall, without a lot of effort or expense. Then, whether or not you have a mantel in your own home, you’ll have a pin-worthy creation of your very own!

As soon as I updated my shelves, I got major compliments by everyone who stopped by– trust me, this is a standout wall decor that will have people looking and loving it.

If you want to check out American Home™ by Yankee Candle® brand you can view the entire line of projects on the Walmart product assortment page.

Do you decorate your home for fall? Tell me all about how you decorate for fall, and how you would use American Home™ by Yankee Candle® brand products this fall, in the comments below!

One thought on “Easy Fall Mantel Decor (Even if You Don’t Have a Mantel!)

  1. I love how you use these shelves are your focal point, just like a mantel! I actually have a few photo frame shelves to mount that would be perfect for this! #client

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