Campfire Favorites: Chicken Bacon Ranch Foil Packet Dinner

Summer… it’s the perfect time for campfires, grilling, and all things… well, summery. Growing up, we had these great summer dinners that were easy, no-mess, and delicious. The best part, of course, being that they were no-mess. Who really likes cleaning up after dinner when they could be enjoying an evening swim or lounging outside by a fire pit? I love foil dinners. They’re so versatile, whether you’re making them in the oven or on the grill, or even on that campfire. But I needed a new foil packet dinner to add into my repertoire, particularly one that had a few of my favorite things… like chicken, bacon, and mushrooms.

It starts out simple… chicken, some delicious bacon (what’s a meal without bacon, yeah?), and some ranch dip and dressing mix. I used Pilgrim chicken, Farmland Bacon, and Hidden Valley Ranch.

Then, you’ll want to add broccoli, grape tomatoes, and mushrooms.

Grab some foil, and wrap your chicken breast in 2 strips of bacon. You can use more, but I found that 2 strips works just as well. Then, sprinkle your chicken with as 1 teaspoon of ranch dressing mix.

Slice your mushrooms, cut your grape tomatoes in half, and tear your broccoli into small florets.

After that, you can wrap the foil packet up. If you’re cooking them on the grill, you can place the packet directly on the grill, or cook your foil packet on the campfire like you would with any other foil packet. If you’re cooking in the oven, preheat it to 350 degrees and you’ll bake these for 45-50 minutes.

The foil packet is perfect for sealing in all of the juices, creating a nice marinade for the chicken to cook in. It helps the chicken stay moist and delicious, too, and the veggies become perfectly tender. Plus, it lends to very little cleanup!

When you’re finished, it’s time to dig in and enjoy.

I’m telling you, this meal is heaven on a plate. Come on, what beats a chicken-bacon combo? Aside from a bacon-bacon combo, nothing.

Feel free to shake this up with veggies you like, but even my broccoli-refusing mom liked the flavor infusion the broccoli gave, and we all felt the veggies matched this dish perfectly. The ranch brought out all of the best flavors. It really is a great, easy meal, and I know you’re going to love it.


What meal spells summer to you? Let me know in the comments below! Don’t forget to look for more Campfire Favorites all summer long here at DigitalEraMom!

6 thoughts on “Campfire Favorites: Chicken Bacon Ranch Foil Packet Dinner

  1. This is perfect the kids would love to have their meal brought to them in foil. It would be easy to serve outside on the patio,

    1. It’s a perfect eat-outside meal, and since you can grill it or cook it over a fire, you can even do the cooking outside and avoid heating up the house this summer!

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