How to Set a Resolution You’ll Actually Keep!

Hello, Resolutions! With the New Year upon us, here's the secret to setting resolutions that you'll actually keep... and here's the secret: Stop setting resolutions and start setting tangible goals! Get tips on setting a goal and resolution you'll keep!

This year, I’m quitting resolutions altogether. I know that’s an odd statement to make in the very beginning of a post all about making resolutions you’ll keep, but stick with me here… the best way to set resolutions you’ll actually keep is to STOP MAKING RESOLUTIONS. That doesn’t mean not to resolve to do anything… but it means changing your mindset and your tactics so you can experience resolution success.

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Live Like You’re Dying: Making 2015 Your Best Year Yet

Do you want to make 2015 the best year you've ever had? Try living like you're dying. Here's the best way to make make the new year something special, and unlike any year you've lived before.

Tomorrow, on your way to work, you’re going to get hit by a bus. Tonight, as you’re out walking to the mailbox, a freak storm will hit and you’ll be struck by lightning. When you take your daily shower, you’re going to slip on a bar of soap and hit your head.

Okay, so these things probably aren’t going to happen. Chances are, you won’t die tomorrow. But what if you did? Would you feel fulfilled? We’re inundated with bucket lists– your summer bucket list of must-do items, your must-capture photos of spring break… heck, I even posted a must-do list for the month of January earlier this week. Those are all okay things. But how often do we take 5 minutes to think about the idea that “if I died right now… what is one thing I wished I had done?”

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